certified with autopilot systems!!!

Cessna 172 HDX with Autopilot
10” Displays and Core System, plus Engine Monitoring, ADS-B In/Out, Transponder, COM Radio, and IFR Connectivity. does not include a new navigator. (GPS) see navigator (GPS) pricing for more details…
***Cessna 172F throughout S

Cessna 182 HDX with autopilot
10” Displays and Core System, plus Engine Monitoring, ADS-B In/Out, Transponder, COM Radio, and IFR Connectivity. does not include a new navigator. (GPS) see navigator (GPS) pricing for more details…
***Cessna 182E thru 182T, R182, T182, TR182, and T182T models.

Beechcraft 36 series HDX with autopilot
10” Displays and Core System, plus Engine Monitoring, ADS-B In/Out, Transponder, COM Radio, and IFR Connectivity. does not include a new navigator. (GPS) see navigator (GPS) pricing for more details…
***Beechcraft Bonanza 36, A36, A36TC, and B36TC models.

Beechcraft 35 series hdx with autopilot
*Pricing starting out at including installation: $42,417.00
**single 10” Displays and Core System, plus Engine Monitoring, ADS-B In/Out, Transponder, COM Radio, and IFR Connectivity. does not include a new navigator (GPS) see navigator (GPS) pricing for more details…
***Beechcraft Bonanza P35, S35, V35, V35A, and V35B
****pricing does not include equipment tax or shipping

pa 34-seneca hdx with autopilot
*Pricing starting out at including installation: $56,050.00
**single 10” Displays and Core System, plus Engine Monitoring, ADS-B In/Out, Transponder, COM Radio, and IFR Connectivity. does not a new include navigator. (GPS) see navigator (GPS) pricing for more details…
***For Piper Seneca II / III / IV / V PA-34
******pricing does not include equipment tax or shipping

build your own avionics suiet
*Pricing varies from aircraft to aircraft. our dual 10″ screen well equipped package which includes the following starts out at: $32,615.00 including installation. and yes you read correctly!!
**single 10” Displays and Core System, plus Engine Monitoring, ADS-B In/Out, Transponder, COM Radio, and IFR Connectivity. pricing does not include a new navigator. (gps) see navigator pricing for more details…
***pricing does not include equipment tax or shipping
Experimental aircraft!!!

*Experimental aircraft prices varies per aircraft. because of the variety options and build out options…
*pricing starts at without installation. $24,315.00
**includes max options with dual 10″ hdx system and autopilot. does not include new navigator. (GPS)
***pricing does not include equipment tax or shipping